Kicking off the season at Sea Otter!
Spring has sprung and the warm weather has arrived! At least, in California it has. East Coasters, we hope your spring thaw is underway!
Team Zealios just came off of two great events to kick off the sunny season here. We “got our feet wet” down at Pacific Swimming’s Speedo Far Western Age Group Championships in Morgan Hill, CA in early April where we were excited to rollout our new swim & sport shampoo, conditioner, & lotion. So far, the feedback is phenomenal—you guys love our products for eliminating green, crusty, chlorine-ridden locks. Our mission is to make sure you aren’t all walking around like Q-tips all summer long! We are excited to give you an important leg up on hygiene in the hopes that it’s reflected in your performance in the pool.
Swimmers compete at the Far Western in Morgan Hill, CA
Next up was a phenomenal weekend down in Monterey for the bike industry’s favorite April event—the Sea Otter Classic. As the Official Sunscreen Partner, we provided pump tubs of our Sun Barrier SPF 45 at athlete registration, as well as in our booth each day. Good thing we were there, as the sun was certainly showing off over Laguna Seca raceway. Cyclists—we hope no one walked away with sunburns on your necks or thighs—it is a long season, and we want to protect your dermis!
Just half of the Sea Otter Classic Expo
We were also pumped to see the mid-Sea Otter review from Bicycling Magazine of our Sun Barrier SPF 45, penned by Caitlin Giddings. Caitlin, we appreciate your unique note-taking style and very articulate description of what makes our stuff great. Thanks for the love, and we hope that you’ve changed cyclists’ lives everywhere.
Megan "Mega Meg" Andrews with Skipper the Sea Otter

Meantime, you may have heard about this epic pro road race in California each May called the Amgen Tour of California? Yeah, we look forward to it each year, and we’re even more excited by our friend Ben Jacque-Mayne’s custom 10th anniversary bike frame for the tour. You can check out his sweet JAMIS Xenith SL in our photo below. Ben stopped by our Sea Otter Booth to show off the bike (and say hello, but we were busy drooling over his bike) and we couldn’t be more excited to see him ride in a few short weeks. Ben, congrats on your 10th & final Amgen Tour—you are an absolute pillar in the cycling world, and we admire all your hard work.
Kevin Fuller and Ben Jacques-Mayne pose with the custom TOC Jamis
We have much to look forward to with Wildflower Triathlon and Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon just around the corner—look for our booth and stock up on your performance skincare needs for the summer! We’ll see you out there.