Team Spotlight - Stanford University Triathlon Team

Zealios Team Spotlight


This month’s team spotlight is on the collegiate Stanford University Triathlon Team.

SUTT is not your average college tri team. The team competes on the highest level, ranking in the top 15 teams nationally in eleven of the past twelve years. Meet the studious and fiercely competitive SUTT team.   

Stanford Triathlon Team at Collegiate National Championships

Team Name: 

Stanford University Triathlon Team

Number of people on the team: 

90 Members


Stanford, CA

When and how did the team form? 

Our team operates as a club sports team at Stanford University. It has been developed over the last several decades by a handful of passionate coaches and a plethora of athletes who have made the choice to join the team, put on the kit, and compete!

What makes your team successful?

The Stanford Triathlon Team is successful because of the incredible atmosphere that we bring not only on race days, but to every practice. Our club prides itself on being accessible to athletes of every skill level and using our shared team goals as motivation to chase our own personal goals.

Advantages of being on the team?

Team members, aside from getting to be a part of the most passionate collegiate team in the country, get access to the excellent coaching staff and facilities that we have available at Stanford. 

The team gets to train on the same track and in the same pools as the varsity athletes. Our athletes also get the chance to learn from and compete with the many knowledgeable coaches and team alumni in the Bay Area.

Do you host camps?

The team hosts its annual training camp each year at various California locations. 

In recent years we hosted the camp in Santa Cruz and Monterey. Although the camp is available to team members only, it allows new team members to get to know team veterans and allows the team several days to train together and develop our skills. 

We also host a triathlon race (or should we say Treeathlon) each year in March. This event is open to the public and is a great chance to meet the team and see what we're all about.

Stanford Triathlon Team Photo on the beach

What does the team do for fun?

Being such a large team, we have exciting, non-triathlon-related, activities going on all the time. 

Many members of the team enjoy camping and backpacking, so we often host a group camping trip in the summer. Other popular team pastimes include surfing, napping, and traveling. We've even been known to head downtown every once in a while to show off our (somewhat lackluster) dance moves.

What are a few of the team’s top achievements?

SUTT is part of the West Coast Collegiate Triathlon Conference (WCCTC). During the season, much of the team focuses on climbing the podium at WCCTC Championships and USAT Nationals

The Stanford Triathlon Team has consistently been one of the top collegiate teams in the country, ranking as one of top 15 teams nationally in eleven of the last twelve years. Stanford is also home to the 2012 Women's Collegiate National Champion, Marissa Ferrante, as well as many other athletes who went on to have successful professional careers.

Stanford Triathlon Team SUTT at the National Championships in Tempe, AZ

What do your team members like about Zealios?

Triathlon can be a dirty sport between swimming in the ocean, riding in the midday heat, or spending hours in the harsh chlorine of the pool. Our team loves that Zealios products keep us not only protected from the sun with zinc Sun Barrier on our long rides and runs, but also keep us looking and smelling fresh after a hard workout with their shampoo, conditioner and body wash.


Stanford Triathlon Team open swim at camp

Stanford Triathlon Team on a group cycling ride

Is the team still accepting members? 

The team is open to all Stanford students, both undergraduate and graduate. We accept new members at all times, but encourage those who are interested to attend our welcome week which is one of the first two weeks of each fall quarter.



If you’d like to learn more about the Stanford Triathlon Team, reach out to:

Email Address:


Instagram: @stanfordtriathlon

Facebook Page: