The Zealios Blog

Early season training can be tough. Battling the feeling that you lost fitness from last season or the lack motivation to get back in the gym because let’s be honest, all that off-season indulging was so nice.
The Team Zealios pro triathletes Heather Jackson, Rachel McBride, Sarah True, Brent McMahon, Sarah Piampiano, Haley Chura and Jen Annett give tips and advice on how they get back into season training and building strength for the season ahead.
Heather Jackson is just a few days away from racing in the Ironman World Championships in Kona and one of the top female competitors.
HJ shares how she sets the same Kona goal each year (she’s already got 5 under her belt!) and what it’s like to train with a bunch of competing pro triathletes… what?!?! that doesn’t happen in triathlon... Or could it be a thing now?